Monday, February 16, 2015

DATE Casa Latina Tiffany

Regarding the Children's Literacy Group - I have to say I am impressed with their flexibility and their perspective in understanding how to adapt their lesson to the group they had.  From an instructional stand point, they were able to model read aloud and interaction for the adult that came, they served the needs of one child that was able to participate in the story time and craft and while they may not know this, the success for those who did come will be passed on to others, meaning more people will come and see next time.  I would consider that a success!

Regarding Tess's post about technology - I would agree that it is important to know the expectations of the class before making purchases.  While tablets can be quite inexpensive, stop motion animation software, for example, will often will not work on Android tablets.  Windows based tablets might be a better investment for supporting work and academic needs of the women.  "Starting where we are" regarding technology, would mean teaching Google docs in addition to Office since they are used in so many settings and are common to everyone and free!

Regarding the Adult Literacy Class - Discussion before application was the perfect way to start instruction and validate the interests and concerns of the women.  I'm sure they felt that and I hope everyone can continue modeling that type of interaction so people feel involved in decisions and willing to speak up instead of feeling unable to participate.

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