Monday, February 16, 2015

DATE Casa Latina Workshop Sarah

Okay - I thought I would have more time to write this reflection, but when I opened up Canvas, I saw that the end-of-quarter Pipeline survey was due. I hope that was required, because it took up most of my homework time on my lunch break :)!
So I'm feeling some nervousness going into the workshop tomorrow. There is some positive nerves: the type that'll keep me alert and on my toes. The negative nerves: around not being super tech-savvy and around my Spanish skills being rusty.... I have to remind myself that it's okay to not come across as the infallible expert at the head of the class.
I am also trying to keep in mind that the objective of the class is for the participants to be comfortable and confident figuring out their phones during the session and in the future, not "depositing" bits of information about the phones into their heads. I'm sure Ivette will kick me under the table if I revert to the banking model of education :). 

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