June 10th, 2015
5:00 - 7:30
This week I was the lead with the adult digital literacy group at Lake City. We were working with a small group at first of only two participants. However, towards the end two more women joined. I had planned a session of working on phones especially on applications. The theme was resources for adults and youth. Since it was finals week and I was finishing other finals, I had limited time to construct a formal lesson plan like the ones we will use in reporting for the grant. Instead, I experimented with different applications and how to find them on my own phone.
Here is the rough outline I created:
Library Calendar of Events (kid and adults)
Homework Help (for kids)
Summer of Learning (activities for kids: in english)
Utilizando el catalogo (para adultos)
Literacy, ESL, citizenship (para adultos)
Alguien tiene usted su telefono en ingles? Quieres in español?
App store for Apple esta en ingles
Lo mismo para la tienda de android?
How to Explore (como explorar en apps)
hay muchas categorias como en "educación" hay: aprendiendo ingles, gramática, matemáticas, como responder a bullying (niños)
ejemplo: Mango
otra categoria es "kids/ niños" y tienes millons de apps. sobre juguetes, números (matemáticas), alfabetismo, ortografia,
ejemplo: 3rd grade Splash Math (an app we have on the kids iPads)
Also, instead of creating a powerpoint presentation, I decide to connect my phone directly to the projector so that I could demonstrate the above outline as well as respond more easily to questions.
At the beginning of the workshop, I displayed the above outline so that the participants would have a good idea of what I intended to teach and what I prepared.
We managed to cover some of the stuff in my outline - we went through how to explore applications and I did let them know that there were categories and lots of different types of applications. However, most of the workshop was devoted to asking questions. We talked about the differences between the King County Library System and the Seattle Public library system. We also talked about the Seattle Public Library's Facebook page in Spanish and how to find it (actually kind of difficult cause you have to put in the whole name to get the right one). We also discussed mobile hotspots and googleamericalatinablog.blogspot.com, which has articles about technology in Spanish that Ana found.
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