Thursday, January 15, 2015

1/14/2015 Casa Latina Workshop Ivette

Location:     Casa Latina                 

Describe Context – 
Date: 1/14/15

Name: Ivette Bayo Urban

List things that happened today:

The students and I headed to Casa Latina and arrived there at 5:00.  
Sarah already had the room set up and we had a few women already there, ready to start.  
Given that we were short staffed in the Early Literacy department, Klarissa and I took that on.
The first hour was free play trying to engage the kids, then Klarissa led us through a craft activity of making and decorating our own maracas which was fun.
Meanwhile, Brad and Willa were taking charge of being in the room with the workshop and also starting to set up the tablets.   
Freddy joined the class and also participated but had to leave early.  

In the news:
We had our first man attend the workshops today. 
Casa Latina is already announcing and starting to plan for the Valentine's Dance.

List Action Items from workshop:

Sarah led the workshop on emails but following our usual format, started with dialogue and was open to bringing up any other information needs or technical needs the community is interested in.  
    • Purchase baby books and things they can stick in mouth (have 3 babies ages 11 mo-18 mo that have been attending
    • Purchase adapter for tablets to connect with projectors.
    • Label Tablets (Bring label maker to next workshop)
    • Purchase business cards paper for next workshop.

      Things to look up, check out and explore:
    • Check with admin team and see when we want to have our next women's advisory meeting.  Early Feb?
    • See who can lead session on 2/4 and drive ufleet since Willa and I have to leave early to attend evening event. 

    Describe an important an evocative social interaction that happened today:
     I came to help and grab snacks a couple of times for the kids and was pleased to notice the energy in the room was high.  Towards the last 30 mins, one of the babies was tired and hungry and was brought back to mom, so I happened to be in the room as Sarah started the sharing out of a) what they accomplished with relation to email (or anything else) and b) what was next in line that they were interested in learning/sharing.  This was a truly pivotal moment for me because one of the women shared that when she saw the topic, she recalls thinking, I already have email and use email therefore, I don't need to attend. But she was so happy that she did because she learned so much more than just email, which if she hadn't come, she would have missed out.  She didn't seem to be alone in this respect. 

    Describe a success.

    Everyone was working well together in every sense of the word.  Students with community, children crafts went well. 

    Describe a failure.  What fell through the cracks?
     Nothing, it was a good day. 

    What surprised me the most?

     Students took charge and made things happen.  It was beautiful to see the energy and excitement from all sides. 

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